Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The Art Project

What is ART?
What is to be an artist? What is a piece of art? 
What are artistic manifestations? What is an art expression? 
Art style? Art perspective?
Is art important? Why?
Have you heard about art history? Art period?
Can you imagine living without art?
Tell me your favorite piece of art!

Do you know these words?
"interactive", "online", "insert", "objects", "format", "links", "action buttons".

Class Activity
  • Create a Powerpoint presentation and save it in your work unit, use the name: LASTNAME 4A ART PROJECT
  • Use the first slide to type your information.
  • Design the second slide according to the theme (art period) that have been assigned to you. The structure must be the same for all groups:

Insert the "action buttons" for forward and backwards, in the "Index" and the 4 sub menus. 
Follow the instructions to insert the information for the "artists" according to the art period you are working on. Use the information given.

Renaissance artists:


Modern artists:

Contemporary artists:

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