Monday, April 15, 2019

OneDrive - Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing or "the cloud":

Choose a picture and make a small reflection about cloud computing.

What is "the cloud"?

It is a metaphor for computer services to through a network, which is usually the Internet.

Types of "clouds"

Private cloud - Public cloud - Hybrid cloud

Why is good to work on "the cloud"?

A lot of storage room for information.
Remote access, from any where at anytime and using any device.
Flexible, it is easy to access and, easy to share information.
Safety, it is even safer than any device.
A flat payment.

Type of information I can save on "the cloud":

The information on the cloud is very different, documents, audios, music, videos, movies, pictures, apps, presentations, worksheets, etc.

What "Actions" I can do on "the cloud"

As user of the AL OneDrive, I am allow to storage and organize my information, which I can:
Open - Edit
Copy link
Move to
Copy in
See details 

Class Activity

1. Download the 4 pictures sent by the teacher.
2. Go to Jigsaw Planet and find the concepts of the actions creating a puzzle for every picture.
3. Take this test Cloud Computing Test 

Important resources:

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