Wednesday, October 16, 2019

ICT Contest 2019

Art History Presentation Contest

Choose the information:
Access the art timeline of the class and choose the information you will use for your presentation.

Presentation planning:
On a paper, organize the information you have selected for your presentation (artistic period, artistic movement, artistic techniques, artists, etc.)

Creating the presentation:
Create a presentation, save it in Documents and name it:


Slide 1=> Title of the presentation
             Student's information (Name, class, 2019)
Slide 2 => Main menu

Slide 3 => Here start the secondary menus.

  • Presentation must have at least 8 slides.
  • Title of the presentation is: ICT Contest / Art Project as it is in the picture above.
  • The time will be the same for all students, make a realistic plan considering the time you will have.
  • Be creative, use colors, styles and backgrouns that make your presentation beautiful and interesting.
  • Make an extra closing slide for a reflection or conclussions about the topic. Some ideas are: Why did you chose this art period / movement? What do you like about this period / movement? Point one thing you like about a paintign or style. What technique do yo like better, painting, sculpture or architecture? Why?
  • Choose 2 photos (one painting and one sculpture), and apply one of the following effects. 
Pictures effects in Power Point:


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