Thursday, November 28, 2019


What is Cyberbullying?
Cyberbullying is when kids use online technology to hurt other kids. In other words, they use the Internet to harass and embarrass people. It’s done on purpose and is usually ongoing.

Which are the charachters in a cyberbullying situation?
The bully, the victim and the witnesses.

What are the EFFECTS of cyberbullying?
Cyberbullying causes victims a
low self-esteem, anxiety or depression.
Victims usually skipping school and fail in grades.
They can have emotional and health problems.

The punishment for cyberbullies can include being suspended from school or kicked off sports teams. 
In some cases cyberbullying can be considered a crime.

What to do in case of a cyberbullying situation?
Talk to an adult, your teacher or parents.
Print the message.
Block the bully.
Take a break from technology.
Stop sharing pictures or information.

How to prevent cyberbullying?
Here some things you can do:
Talk to your friends about cyberbullying and get your self informed.
Practice real-world social skills, respect and empathy.
Do not have open accounts on social networks, keep only your trusted friends.
Keep the devices out of your bedroom.
Control your time online.

Useful Information:
6 Recomendaciones para la PrevenciĆ³n del Bullying by Pantallas Amigas
How to Prevent Cyberbullying by
I Accepted a Friend - By Cybersmileofficial

Class Activity

1. Create a comic strip in a positive sense about: How to prevent cyberbullying.
2. Plan your comic:

3. Go to: MAKEBELIEFSCOMIX and start!
Once you have finished the comic strip, you must save it.
Important! Be aware of your time!

Comic ideas:
Control your time online, play with real friends.

Practice respect and empathy.

Control your time online.

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