Wednesday, April 1, 2020

ICT Activities - Week March 30th. - April 3rd

Children's Responsibilities
Collaborative Work

1. Think about a responsibility you have at home and write it down on a paper.
2. Consider what would be the consequence if you do not do it.
3. Go to your class wall and find your group going down with the vertical side bar (groups are made of 5 students, according to your list number), all students have access to post. 
4. Look at the example very carefully and create your own post, find a picture, you can use a photo of yourself doing your duty. Use a small photo do not exceed the workspace.
5. Be a good digital citizen and show respect to the work of your classmates.

Class Walls:

Feel free to like your fav posts!  
If you need help with padlet contact your teacher or try these links:

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