Sunday, April 26, 2020

ICT Activities Week from April 27th. - May 1st.

Working in MS Word

What is MS Word?
Microsoft Word is a word processor, it helps users to create different types of documents such as reports, letters, business contracts, etc... Microsoft Word has features like spell checking, grammar checking, text and fonts formatting, image support, page layout and many more other settings for documents.

Extra info about word...

By default there are 29 lines on one page in MS Word.
The type of files Word creates are .doc / .docx / docm / etc...
Quick check to the MS Word main screen:

Class Activity
Part 1
1. Create a folder on your own computer desktop, name it: HomeSchool 2020

2. Create your Word Document, and save it inside the folder, with this name: 


3. Listen to the teacher to know the organization from which you have to get information:
Organizations that Protect Children's Rights
4. The title on the document is the name of the organization that you have been given.

5. Use these functions to copy and paste the information on your document:

Ctrl + C => Copy
Ctrl + V => Paste
Ctrl + X => Cut

6. Below is the informative link on the subject:

End of part 1, now you have your document with the information needed

Part 2 - Second Class

1. Settings using MS Word functions.

Apply to the title
  • Font style: Century Gothic
  • Size: 14
  • Color: Blue
  • Bold
  • Underlined
  • Central alignment.

Apply to the text
  • Style: Century Gothic
  • Size: 14
  • Color: blue
  • Alignment: justified or left
  • Questions in bold.
  • Check spelling

*Save your document from time to time.

2. Below the title, insert an image of the organization's logo, find a small one or make it smaller.

3. Upload your document to this wall, under your class column:

When finish have fun Online Jigzaw

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