Sunday, May 3, 2020

ICT Activities Week from May 4th. - 8th.

MinD MaPs

What is a mind map?
A mind map is a graphical way to represent ideas and concepts.

What is it useful for?
It is a visual helping tool that helps organizing information.

How are you going to create the mind map?
Follow teacher's instructions...

Class Activity

1. Take your information about the organization that protect children's rights, that is already on your copybook or another paper.
2. Open PowerPoint, and create a blank presentation. Save it inside the HOMESCHOOL 2020 folder with the name:

3. On the first slide write your personal information as it is in the figure:
4. For the second slide choose this template: 
5. Go to "Insert", click "SmartArts", select "ciclo" you can choose one of these styles:
6. Start the mind map with the main idea which is the name of the organization, then continue with the information according to your notes.
*Remember to save your presentation from time to time.
*Work the presentation automatically, use the SmartArt functions learned.
*If your information is "in digital" you can copy/paste.
*If there are groups, you can share your information with other members of your group.
*After you finish, talk to your group and make some agreements.

Part 2 - Second class
1. Checklist for the presentation and mind map:

All checklist must be done.

2. Once the checklist is completed, upload your presentation to the gallery:

Complete your knowledge:
What are childrens rights?
What are childrens rights? - By Unicef
Rights of the child
Child protection - by Unicef
Child protection in humanitarian action

UNICEF - United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund
Fe y Alegría Perú - Movimiento de Educación Popular Integral

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